Preisverleihung CEMC Wettfahrtserie 2017 / Prize Giving CEMC Trophy 2017

Salzburg, 23. Februar 2018

An diesem Freitag-Abend fand in Salzburg die Preisverleihung für die Wettfahrtserie der Saison 2017 statt. Für unsere Multihull-Offshore-Regatten hat Salzburg zwar während der Saison keine tragende Rolle gespielt, für die Preisverleihung war es allerdings eine schöne und für alle Beteiligten angenehmen zu erreichende Location.

Ein herzlicher Dank gilt unserem großzügigen Sponsor und Unterstützer Erwin Sattler Uhren aus München!


Salzburg, Feburary 23rd, 2018

We enjoyed our prize giving dinner for the season 2017 on this evening in Salzburg. Admittedly, Salzburg had not played a central role in connection with our multihull off-shore races during the season, but it was a beautiful and convenient location for the prize giving ceremony.


A big thank you to our generous sponsor and supporter Erwin Sattler Uhren from Munich.


Conny and Franz enjoying a lovely evening
from left to right: Franz, Conny and Georg listening to Werner’s intro speech
La Ottanta 2017 Winner: Berk Plattner with Werner Stolz
La Duecento „Never Give Up Special Prize“ for Michael Martin (Skipper of Tabea)
CEMC 2017 Race Series 2nd Prize: Andreas Hofmaier (Skipper and Owner of „SAYG I“) receiving a beautiful Navis watch
CEMC 2017 Race Series 1st Prize: Julia Klapprott (Skipper and Owner of „Proteus“) with the outstanding Navalis watch
2nd from right: Richard Müller (CEO Erwin Sattler Uhren, Munich) – our (very) generous sponsor and good friend





CEMC Sponsors & Supporters @ „Boot 2017“ – Düsseldorf Boat Show

Corsair Marine:
„Weltpremiere Corsair 760“
„global premiere: Corsair 760“

Corsair Marine mit großem Stand und dem brandneuen Corsair 760.

Corsair Marine had an outstanding showing including the brand new Corsair 760.

brand new Corsair 760 I
brand new Corsair 760 II
brand new Corsair 760 III
brand new Corsair 760 IV
Corsair Cruze 970
Corsair Pulse 600

























Erwin Sattler Uhren

Erwin Sattler Uhren @ „Boot“
Erwin Sattler Uhren @ „Boot“: Richard Müller and his son












Portopiccolo supports CEMC 2017

CEMC supporters: Giorgio Martin (President Portopiccolo YC, 1st from left), Martina & Giorgio Suttora (2nd & 3rd from left), Alessandra Boatto (Giorgio Martin’s wife, center of picture showing the CEMC 2017 flyer), Werner Stolz (Corsair Marine & CEMC 2017, 3rd from right), Giada Krastev (Secretary of the PYC, 2nd from right) and Richard Müller (Erwin Sattler Uhren, 1st from right).